4th End-User Workshop

The fourth and last end-user workshop of the VASCO project will take place in Athens on the 22nd of February. During this workshop en-users will discover the Final Release of the VASCO sytem: composed of a Digital Mock up Editor, a Security Editor a 3D indoor automatic and manual recontraucition tool as well as a large multimodal tactile table, going from a horizontal to a vertical position, and its tangible objects such as a compass and ruler. Other devices integrated with these systems will be available to experiment with, such as a 360° camera, augmented reality glasses and virtual reality headsets.
The demonstration part of the day will be focused on:
- Indoor and Outdoor environment reconstruction
- Establishing security strategies by manipulating digital equipments: cars, guard, cameras, fences.
- Natural interface interaction on a large touch screen with ruler, compass and stylet.
- Immersive exploration of a 3D reconstructed environment around Den Haaf central using the occulus rift a virtual reality headset